Wednesday, December 15, 2010


After listening to today's presentations, I would say there was an overall theme of Jewish characteristics in the characters and in the worlds they live in. As people talked about Batman, Superman, X-men, and Captain America, it was appalling to me to see the traits of Judaism in what have always seemed like secular comics to me. The themes of the class did not focus intensely on comic books but more on graphic novels especially toward the end of the class, so many of the presentations were very interesting as they expanded on the "From Krakow to Krypton" book which was my favorite of the class. One of the most telling and interesting presentations was from the previous week when comparing the origins of Superman to the origins of Moses. I was amazed by the similarities and convinced of the relation. Comics and Judaism seemed to go hand in hand and the it is so interesting to me how the history of Judaism can be lived out by comic book characters that were explained in great detail in these presentations.